Simple Truths - Being Prepared
A Practical Guide for Preconception
Discover the Simple Truth to nurture our next generation
“It’s In Your Hands, What Will You do
Being Prepared for Preconception is often not in our consciousness, so this book is designed to bring your thinking around to see how you create your own life, mostly subconsciously.
It gives you the space to see what is possible and why it is beneficial to explore your own beliefs and get to know your own self intimately before creating another human being.
What contribution will you make to herald in the children of tomorrow?
In this simple book you will learn:
Why myths and stories are just that
That you already have what you need
What creates reality and who is in charge
5 key elements to create a peaceful mind
Who to listen to, what to look out for
5 golden rules to superb vitality
When the impossible is possible…
Yours in health and happiness
Sandy B
Fertility and Lactation Consultant | Naturopathic Nutrition | Biological Medicine | Natural Success
It's all about you, your story and how you influence the world!
Do you ever stop to think about what life on planet earth is all about, how it is designed, why it manifests the way it does and what it means to be a human being?
Would you consider living the simple truth of who you are, enabling yourself to experience your own freedom, so that your offspring are free to be who they truly are?
What would it take for you to believe that there are endless opportunities and possibilities for you to nurture yourself and the next generation? It's in your hands, what will you do?
Enjoy your journey, may it take many twists and turns, create wonderful experiences to understand yourself and in so doing, continually let go of that which no longer serves you.
Would you love to be clear in your head, know what your life is really about and be able to make the very best decisions for yourself, so that your life impacts favourably not only on yourself but also those your cherish?
And... more importantly, on those who have not been birthed yet.
Perhaps this possibility would be what most human aspire to, or is that just an assumption?
Welcome to your inner and outer worlds. Do you know which one is running your life?
Do you know when you don't feel ok? Do you listen to your body? It speaks o you in every single moment, feeding back information to let you know when it's happy, humming along or not feeling so great.
If you don't know, how will your children know?
Do you listen to others about your own body? Do you really think that they know more about you than you do?
Yes, there is always much to learn about ourselves; as humans we seem to have lost much of our individual knowing.
Consulting a healer is often necessary to wake us up and get us back on track but do they know more than you, about you?
Not really, we just need help to wake up and remember that our true inner guidance is priceless!
Of course, you know you have intuition, or do you?
Simply put, so far we have gathered a clear mind and a clean body.
What comes next?
Perhaps some further conscious awareness will take us to where we would love to go!
So, what does being aware mean?
In earlier chapters we explored being in touch with our mind and body and hearing what it has to say. That is about becoming inwardly aware.
You know that gut feeling or 'sixth sense' that is often talked about?
That is when our awareness is heightened. We are in tune with our highest potential and our intuition comes into play.
You know there is a tomorrow and many great things will come, but how and when?
This is one of the great questions of our time. How do we bring forth what we would love?
We just need to be who we really are and state not only what we would love but why?
Let's look at how we are travelling...
So far, we've cleared our mind, we've cleaned our body and we'be connected to our intuition.
What next?
Are you really on a journey and if so, to where?
Look at how far you have come in your life, what has transpired on your journey over the last four chapters?
Know there are endless possibilities of creation that are available to you.
Why have I taken you on this journey?
It's really quite simple, it is wise to know yourself before you create and / or guide another human, so that you can nurture that new being as nature intended.